Guarantee: Our legal documents and legal services are 100% guaranteed to be accepted by the court where you file them. If your documents are not accepted by a court, please let us know the specific details and we will fix the problem or refund your purchase 100%.
Please note that you must follow our instructions when filing your documents, including serving the other party correctly with your filed Complaint. We are not responsible if you do not follow our instructions and your divorce is rejected because of your failure to follow our instructions.
However, you are entitled to legal advice every step of the way. If you are in the courthouse and don’t know what to do, you can call us or e-mail for advice on the steps you should follow and we will respond.
You can request a refund within 3 days for any reason. However, once we return your documents to you, unless they are not accepted by a court, there is no refund.
More information about our law firm.